Cloud Carrier Pure Liquid

Our pure liquid cooled facilities seamlessly integrate unified liquid infrastructure, delivering low emissions, high density workloads and unmatched efficiency.

Unified Liquid Infrastructure Over 72% Reduction on Emissions

Cloud Carrier is redefining Infrastructure for a Sustainable and Powerful Computing Experience.

We take pride in our infrastructure’s achievement of a 72% reduction in emissions.

ULI sets a new industry standard for environmental responsibility without compromising on performance,
and seamlessly integrates efficiency and power to enhance your computing capabilities.

Sovereign Infrastructure

We are proudly 100% Australian, privately owned and operated

Saving on Emissions

The effectiveness of liquid cooling results in a notable decrease in emissions

Unified Liquid Infrastructure

Optimised liquid facilities integrated with liquid cooled infrastructure

Pure Liquid Design

Sustainability and high performance are achieved through a pure liquid design

Interested to know more?

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